Always beside the farmer
ESSERA N.P.K 5-5-5
NPK Fertilizer Solution
Total Nitrogen (N) % 5
Ammonium Nitrogen (N) % 1
Nitrate Nitrogen (N) % 1.5
Urea Nitrogen (N) % 2.5
Phosphorus Pentaoxide, Soluble In Water (P2O5) % 5
Potassium Oxide Soluble In Water (K2O) % 5
Chlorine Content (Cl) % 0,99
It is a food source that can be taken quickly.
It increases the efficiency of other plant nutrition products used together.
It increases root development and accelerates photosynthesis. It affects the fruit set and fruit development indirectly. It provides resistance against stresses caused by climatic conditions.
It enriches the soil micro fauna.
By increasing the permeability of the soil, it swells the soil and helps its aeration.
It lowers the pH in the soil.
Increases the solution of macro and micronutrients connected to the soil.